Sentiment Analysis for Prediction of Brand Value Using Albert Model


  • Pallavi Suryavanshi, Sharad Gangele


Sentiment Analysis (SA), BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), ALBERT (A Lite BERT), Customer Reviews, Supply Chain Management, Brand Value, Dependency Parsing, Part of Speech (POS).


In today's dynamic and global business environment, organizations face the challenge of meeting customer expectations while effectively managing their supply chain. Understanding customer demands and accurately getting product sales is critical to achieve this. The effectiveness of the existing “BERT” in sentiment analysis is well established and its resource-intensive models might face challenges in deployment, especially in scenarios with constraints on computational resources. This study explores the use of sentiment analysis and the ALBERT model to predict brand value based on customer reviews. Both BERT and ALBERT models are more powerful, but ALBERT offers a more efficient alternative without compromising performance, making it particularly appealing for tasks where computational efficiency is a priority. The proposed approach combines various techniques, including tokenization, POS tagging, and dependency parsing, to improve the accuracy of SA models. This study not only establishes the effectiveness of transformer architectures in sentiment analysis but also helps the advancement of brand valuation approaches. The findings have impacts on marketers, as they provide a powerful tool for assessing customer sentiment and obtaining brand value with unprecedented accuracy. The results of the proposed model outperform with 95.98% of accuracy, 96.72 % of precision, 94.38% of recall, and 95.53% of F-measure.


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How to Cite

Pallavi Suryavanshi,. (2024). Sentiment Analysis for Prediction of Brand Value Using Albert Model. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 624–633. Retrieved from



Research Article