Resource Offloading (Balancing) in Cloud Environment using Particle Swarm Optimization and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization on Xen Server


  • Akash Dave, Hetal Chudasama


Cloud Environment, Particle Swarm Optimization, Improved Particle Swarm Optimization, Type 1 Hypervisor, Xen Server.



Cloud has numerous strong servers to allot immense solicitation of clients. Load Balancing (Resource Offloading) is a strategy to disperse tasks on numerous VM’s of Server to accomplish Asset usage, Reduce Reaction (cost) time and keep away from trouble. Resource offloading is a crucial factor in ensuring that the available resources are utilized efficiently, and the workload is distributed optimally. This paper presents novel research of resource offloading in a cloud environment and explores the different approaches to resource offloading, including Resource offloading, and Response time reduction of VM. In this article, A PSO & Improved PSO, has been introduced to track down the better arrangement for the issue of Allotment Resources (Assets) and load adjusting in CC. This Work was probed Xen Server and aftereffect of the Proposed Calculation Further developed PSO was extremely uplifting. Altogether the aftereffect of IPSO contrasted and PSO Calculation.


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How to Cite

Akash Dave. (2024). Resource Offloading (Balancing) in Cloud Environment using Particle Swarm Optimization and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization on Xen Server. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 669–676. Retrieved from



Research Article