Hyperparameter Tuning of the LSTM model for Stock Price Prediction


  • Vikas Deswal , Dharminder Kumar


LSTM, Adaboost, MSE, MAE, R2, epoch, batch size, neurons, learning rate, and dropout rate1.


The stock market serves as a mirror, revealing the actual state of the nation's economy. Experts can monitor the nation's economic status by following the stock market's fluctuations. Predicting the stock market is so essential in the cutthroat world of today. Because stock prices are chaotic, dynamic, and nonlinear, predicting them is challenging. Stock price forecasting is aided by deep learning methods such as LSTM. The algorithm's forecast is erroneous since its hyperparameter was not chosen correctly.

This work contributes to developing a hyper-tuned LSTM model for stock price prediction. Numerous hyperparameters are included, such as neurons, batch size, epoch, learning rate, and dropout rate. The primary goal is to identify the optimal set of parameters that will enable the LSTM forecasting algorithm to operate at a high level of performance. Three widely used error metrics are used to assess algorithm performance: R2, which indicates how well our predictions match the actual data; MSE, which displays the discrepancy between the predicted and actual data; and MAE, which indicates the average deviation between our predictions and the actual data. For training, testing, and validating the data set, values of three error metrics for various parameter combinations are gathered. The best value of these error metrics helps in selecting the best possible combination of parameters.

A proven prediction method called Adaboost is compared with the output error metrics of the LSTM model to confirm our hyperparameter tunning efforts. The LSTM model's potential for precise stock price prediction is strongly confirmed if its error metrics value is comparable to or superior to Adaboost's.


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How to Cite

Vikas Deswal. (2024). Hyperparameter Tuning of the LSTM model for Stock Price Prediction. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 705–712. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6274



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