Analyzing the Effect of Different Activation Functions in Deep Learning on Accuracy and Execution time


  • Mahesh D. Titiya, Arjun V. Bala, Sheshang Degadwala


activation functions, neural network, deep learning, sigmoid, types of ReLU, softsign, tanh


Activation functions is critical in specifying the active node within neural networks. Choosing the most suitable activation function is crucial because to its impact on the overall output of the network. Prior to choosing an activation function, it is essential to check the characteristics of each activation function based on our specific needs. The monotonicity, derivatives and range of the activation function are important characteristics. In our review study, we examined 13 different activation functions, such as ReLU, Linear, Exponential Linear Unit, Gaussian Error Linear Unit, Sigmoid, SoftPlus, among others.


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How to Cite

Mahesh D. Titiya. (2024). Analyzing the Effect of Different Activation Functions in Deep Learning on Accuracy and Execution time. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 742 –. Retrieved from



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