Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making to Analyze Critical Success Factors for IoT Green Supply Chain Management


  • Arvind Tiwar, Arvind Jayant, Kulwant Singh


Green Supply Chain Management, Critical Success Factors, Gray-Dematel, IoT, Bipolar-Neutrosophic


More sophisticated Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) that are built on more recent technology can reduce expenses, enhance product quality, and expedite the manufacturing business' decision-making process. One objective of green supply chain management (GSCM) systems is to reduce the overall environmental effect. It is accomplished by including eco-friendly procedures into SCMS.It is accomplished by including eco-friendly procedures into SCMS. The GSCM practices are the primary and most important factor in accomplishing the objective of sustainable development. It has been demonstrated that integrating IoT  into GSCM systems can improve productivity and performance. The purpose of this research is to investigate the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the effective implementation of IoT and environmentally friendly solutions across the industrial industry's supply chain. Manufacturers are now concentrating on GSCM that is enabled by IoT devices due to government pressure and growing consumer awareness of environmental issues. This research employs a bipolar neutrosophic-DEMATEL strategy for the identification and prioritization of IoT-enabled GSCM success variables.


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How to Cite

Arvind Tiwar. (2024). Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making to Analyze Critical Success Factors for IoT Green Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4331–4362. Retrieved from



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