A Comparative Analysis of CNN-LSTM and MFCC-LSTM for Sentiment Recognition from Speech Signals


  • Suman Lata, Neha Kishore, Pardeep Sangwan


Convolution neural network, Long short-term memory network, Sentiment recognition, and Deep learning, IoT (Internet of Things), Hearing aids.


Sentiment analysis of speech is a rapidly evolving field with immense potential for Human Computer Interaction (HCI). As technology improves and addresses current challenges, we can expect a future where computers interact with us on a deeper emotional level, creating a more natural and intuitive user experience. Sentiment analysis of speech allows computers to understand the emotional tone behind a user's words. This unveils a powerful tool for designing more natural and empathetic HCI systems. While sentiment analysis often focuses on written text, speech offers a richer sentimental landscape. Voice tone for example- sarcasm, frustration, excitement, speech patterns of speaking speed, hesitation, emphasis & non-verbal cues like laughs, sighs, or grunts can add emotional context missed in the text. This research proposes a hybrid architecture that combines Convolution Neural Network (CNN) with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and leverages linear stack of deep stride layers to enhance the accuracy metrics of sentiment recognition system by speech signals. Convolution neural network capture spatial features efficiently from spectrograms while LSTM networks excel at modeling temporal dependencies. This system classifies seven sentiments such as happiness, disgust, sadness, angry, neutral, fear and pleasant surprise from the speaker's utterances. The proposed work utilizes Toronto Emotional Speech Set (TESS) dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid CNN-LSTM architecture achieves high accuracy rate of 98 % which is slight improvement in our previous work utilizing MFCC+LSTM having 96% accuracy in recognizing sentiments, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods. Notably, the model achieved these results utilizing a relatively smaller size (1.8 MB), highlighting its computational efficiency.


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How to Cite

Suman Lata. (2024). A Comparative Analysis of CNN-LSTM and MFCC-LSTM for Sentiment Recognition from Speech Signals. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4392 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6295



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