AI-Based Anti-Islanding Protection Algorithm for Grid Tied PV System


  • Aashish Jaiswal, Subhash Chandra, Sulabh Sachan


frameworks, PV, islanding, simulated, strategies, portrayed


This study presents novel strategies for recognizing islanding and shows what it means for Matrix Associated Photovoltaic (PV) Exhibits. One normal sort of DG that is many times put in frameworks that are connected to the lattice is photovoltaic (PV). By the by, network associated frameworks keep on confronting the significant test of inadvertent islanding. To upgrade PV lattice associated innovation, an enemy of islanding identifying regulator is frequently used to stay away from coincidental islanding. This study presents an examination of dynamic and latent enemy of islanding recognition draws near. Dynamic Recurrence Float (AFD) and Voltage and recurrence Assurance (OVP/UVP and OFP/UFP) are two inactive and dynamic enemy of islanding identification strategies, separately, and their ideas are portrayed. The investigated enemy of islanding methods are mimicked in this paper utilizing the MATLAB/Simulink programming. While the recreation results show that the dynamic methodology further develops the power nature of the framework, the uninvolved system, sadly, has non-recognition zones. In a lattice tied PV framework, this study tries to give an overall information on enemy of islanding strategies upheld by simulated intelligence.


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How to Cite

Aashish Jaiswal. (2024). AI-Based Anti-Islanding Protection Algorithm for Grid Tied PV System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4421–4429. Retrieved from



Research Article