Bee vs Wasp Classification Using Advanced Deep Learning Techniques: CNN, VGG 16


  • Pinesh Darji, Ketan Sarvakar, Bhavesh Patel, Keyurbhai A. Jani, Paresh Solanki, Chintan Shah, Hitesh D. Rajput, Ayush Shah, Kaushik Rana


CNN, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet34, Mobile-Net


This paper explores the use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and ResNet-34 architecture for grasshopper and grasshopper classification and discrimination from image datasets Using the deep learning capabilities of CNNs and the rest of ResNet-34 learning a, we address image recognition challenges in biological monitoring. Various data sets of bee and wasp images were used to train and validate the ResNet-34 model. The model performed better than traditional methods and achieved high accuracy in discriminating between two groups of insects. This study demonstrates the potential of CNN and ResNet-34 to automatically identify insects, supporting biodiversity research and conservation efforts.


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How to Cite

Pinesh Darji. (2024). Bee vs Wasp Classification Using Advanced Deep Learning Techniques: CNN, VGG 16. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 878–884. Retrieved from



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