Occupational Health and Safety in Kurdistan Region's Construction Industry


  • Farah Hayder, Dilshad Jaf, Ahmet Oztas


Construction industry, Occupational health and safety (OHS), Accidents, Hazards, Risk management, Kurdistan Region.


Significant issues with health and safety have persisted throughout the construction industry. Historically, one of the riskiest sectors has been construction, especially in developing nations. The Kurdistan Region is one of the worldwide places where such is the case. Workers in the Kurdistan Region's creative industry are not sufficiently knowledgeable about safety and health protocols while building websites. They are unaware of welfare facilities, health and protection control systems, and fitness and safety plans and laws. Fitness and safety regulations are also not followed on construction sites, and even when they are, workers do not use the facilities. Employees in construction are no longer aware of or sufficiently abide by fitness and safety regulations. This article aims to evaluate the level of safety performance within the Kurdistan Region's creative industry and to identify the issues, contributing factors, and safety and fitness-related practices in this field. It also emphasizes the use of structures that raise concerns about safety and health. Eight variables were found to have an influence on administrative center accidents after a thorough review of the literature: There are several factors that contribute to workplace health and safety: management's commitment, workers' involvement, health and protection in agreement documents, rules, procedures, and policies, accident investigation and reporting, health and safety training, conferences, and incentives and disincentives for workers. To prevent workplace accidents and lessen possible damage to building companies, this website may be a helpful resource for promoting comparable research into the significance of occupational safety and fitness management in the Kurdistan Region's creation sector.


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How to Cite

Farah Hayder. (2024). Occupational Health and Safety in Kurdistan Region’s Construction Industry. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4475 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6330



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