Access Control through Trust Management in Ubiquitous Computing under Uncertain Environment


  • D. S. Shelar, P. B. Shinde, Santosh D. Jadhav, P. A. Thakre, N. S. Mujumdar


Fuzzy Logic, Access Control, Ubiquitous Computing, Trust, Credibility Mobility, Reliability, Transitivity.


This paper describe the trust calculation method in ubiquitous computing under uncertain environment where the access is granted on having successful interactions with other devices/agents. Many researchers including us proposed the trust models where the quality features like recommendations, history, authenticity, credibility, transitivity, mobility and reliability of requester agents have been considered. But if above quality features are vague in nature, the existing model does not seem to be suitable. With this inspiration we proposed fuzzy logic based model in which the uncertainty occurred due to vagueness in various parameters like credibility, transitivity and reliability can be captured so as to get the better results and compared the results with the results obtained in [11]. This trust calculation model can be incorporated in Ubiquitous Computing for better decision making with respect to the access control when uncertainties are involved in quality features.


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How to Cite

D. S. Shelar. (2024). Access Control through Trust Management in Ubiquitous Computing under Uncertain Environment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4552–4563. Retrieved from



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