Unveiling the Impact of Indian Government Policies using Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Hybrid Deep Learning


  • Deena Nath, Sanjay K. Dwivedi, Anand Prakash Dwivedi


Indian politics; Government policies; Electoral outcomes; Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis; Multi-Criteria Decision-Making


This study conducts a succinct assessment of the effect of Indian governmental policies using aspect-based sentiment analysis. The ABSA (Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis), with MCDM (Multi-criteria Decision-Making) frameworks and the Hybrid Deep Learning model are used in this project to develop a more profound understanding of the coexistence of the trends of governmental policy outcomes and electoral sentiment. First of all, the multifaceted methodology of our course concerns the various aspects of government policies and its impact on electoral activities. Hence, the process of sentiment analysis starts with the separation of documents with the same aspect category, which provides distinct details that eventually lead to individual assessments of the sentiment toward each aspect. Next, MCDM frameworks will be used to rank policy issues along multiple dimensions, and these dimensions will include but are not limited to economic impact, social welfare, and environmental sustainability. Additionally, deep learning model, including BiLSTM, CNN, and Transformer models, are implemented to label sentiment in textual data and predict outcomes of represented dataset composed of large amount of unstructured data. We also incorporate these models as reference models to create a deep-learning hybrid model. Our interdisciplinary approach gives an overall understanding of the complex relation between government policies and electoral sentiment, and therefore we can make decisions and develop policies that are based on this knowledge. Our research brings into the focus on the multifaceted opinion regarding the policies of Indian Government. With a variety of analytical approaches used, we offer a profound perspective into social factors determining attitudes that permeate the general population. In this way, the outcome is evidence of the relationship between the political policies and the feelings of the people hence the stakeholders have a chance to sense the mood of the country as the country is close to a major electoral intersection.


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How to Cite

Deena Nath. (2024). Unveiling the Impact of Indian Government Policies using Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Hybrid Deep Learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(22s), 72–82. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6395



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