Comprehensive Analysis on Cyber Security Awareness and Measures for Cyber Espionage


  • Manasi P. Shirurkar, Minakshi S. Tumsare


Cyber Attacks, Cyber Espionage, Cyber Security, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Threats, Cyber War.


In today’s Modern era, we cannot visualize the world without gadgets. Every sector has moved to digitization and almost everything gets executed through online medium and platforms. As a result, network security becomes vital globally. Routine tasks are executed via network or through online mediums so one cannot ignore cybersecurity. One single security breach can lead to exposing vital information. These breaches leave strong impact and extensive loss occurs in terms of personal, societal, national etc evidence seepage. Hence, cyber security is very essential to protect one’s cyber space. This paper will define the need of cyber space protection. It will also focus on the difference between cyber-attacks and cyber threats. Additionally, paper will enlighten on various cyber-attacks with examples that should be known to individuals to understand that such attacks hamper their cyber space. Lastly, paper will broadly discuss the impacts of cyber-attacks in various domains and numerous measures to control them.


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How to Cite

Manasi P. Shirurkar. (2024). Comprehensive Analysis on Cyber Security Awareness and Measures for Cyber Espionage. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(22s), 265–271. Retrieved from



Research Article