Temperature Effects Adaptation to Akbaba Model for V-I Characteristic Determination of PV Panels
Akbaba model, MPPT, Photovoltaics, Power electronics, Temperature effectAbstract
This study enhances the Akbaba Model by integrating temperature effects on PV panels to improve accuracy and efficiency in photovoltaic system modelling and performance. This paper presents and analyzes the temperature impacts on PV panels within the Akbaba Model, which is used to derive the V-I properties of PV panels. Traditional diode equations have notable disadvantages: they are very complex, lack analytical solutions, and require repetitive and time-consuming operations necessitating a computer. Due to these disadvantages, the Akbaba Model, which provides an easier and more analytical solution, has been proposed and investigated in detail to easily obtain the V-I electrical characteristics of photovoltaic generators (PVG). Incorporating temperature influences helps the Akbaba Model in PV systems to improve accuracy by presenting fresh equations that account for temperature effects. A comparative study of the original and upgraded Akbaba Models shows that the temperature-adapted model performs better. Most importantly, for developing and maintaining more effective renewable energy systems, the upgraded model provides a more consistent instrument to enhance PV system efficiency. The study also indicates potential applications and model enhancements, directing further research. These improve PV installation reliability and performance and deepen the knowledge of PV system modelling. Most importantly, experimental application has been conducted to investigate the performance of the Akbaba Model under different temperatures for the first time in the literature.
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