An Explainable Machine Learning Model for Predicting Unknown Malware Using Network Traffic
Malware detection, explainable AI, machine learning, deep learning, unknown malware.Abstract
Due to the increasing complexity of malware threats, early detection of malware is a prominent issue in the world of network security. Identifying malware using artificial intelligence approaches has a huge perspective for the security of the cyber world. Despite the many researches that have been done in this field to detect malware, the lack of interpretability of artificial intelligence models leads to the fact that users do not have enough confidence in the results predicted by the model. Explaining the prediction of an AI model can be the right basis for judging the final result of AI methods. In this work, we propose a new explainable AI method to interpret and investigate which features can be more effective in detecting future emerging malware. For this purpose, we carry out checks in two stages. First, we examine the ability of deep and shallow models to correctly detect malware. The evaluation results showed that BLSTM and BLSTM-GRU deep learning models were able to detect unknown traffic attacks with a high accuracy of 89%. In the second step, we extract the effective features in the model that had the best performance. Then, we will interpret and explain why these features led to high accuracy in the output results.
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