Dense Neural Patterns and Innovative CNN Architectures for Efficient Object Detection and Image Classification


  • Bheesetty Srinivasa Rao


CNN, RNN, SVM, Object detection.


This paper presents a comprehensive study on image classification and object detection, showcasing significant advancements in these domains. For object detection, we proposed an innovative approach by integrating Dense Neural Patterns (DNPs) with traditional detection frameworks, derived from deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This method notably improved performance in the Regionlets detection framework, achieving superior results on the PASCAL VOC datasets. In the realm of image classification, we introduced several key innovations: the Latent CNN, designed to manage multi-label images by focusing on discriminative regions; Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks (MILCNN), which enhance deep learning capabilities with limited labeled data; and the Residual Networks of Residual Networks (RoR) architecture, aimed at improving optimization. Despite these advancements, we identified areas for further improvement, such as speeding up detection through CNN-based bounding box proposals, advancing unsupervised learning techniques, and using RNNs with LSTM units to generate more effective image regions for classification.


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How to Cite

Bheesetty Srinivasa Rao. (2024). Dense Neural Patterns and Innovative CNN Architectures for Efficient Object Detection and Image Classification. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 474–480. Retrieved from



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