Identifying the Future Skills Needs of the Job Profiles in the Supply Chain Logistics


  • Aintzane Conde-Hernández, Tugce Akyazi, Aitor Goti, Ander Errasti, Aitor Oyarbide, Julen Márquez, Jose Antonio Campos


logistics; skills; digitization; jobs; Industry 4.0.


The advent of Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing production and manufacturing, ushering in concepts like “mass customization,” “personalization of products,” and “agile manufacturing.” Among the sectors profoundly impacted by this transformation is logistics, where the primary objective remains delivering the right product to the right place at the right time. As a result of the latest developments in the technology, there has been a shift from traditional 3D supply chains to dynamic 4D supply chains over the past decade—a paradigm shift that has given rise to Logistics 4.0, which creates a new era where digitization, automation and artificial intelligence enable companies to make smarter decisions at lower global costs. However, realizing the full potential of this digital revolution hinges on cultivating a highly qualified workforce. Therefore, it is vital to update the skills and knowledge of current labor force to meet the future needs of the supply chain logistics area.The aim of this article is to determine the current skills of the logistics workforce and to forecast the future skills needs of the logistics sector as a result of the changes brought about by the transition to Industry 4.0. Therefore, our findings during the research on the topic are collected and integrated in a database incorporating the skills demands of today and tomorrow. This database can be used to plan suitable training programs and policies for logistics companies, educational institutions and/or policy makers.


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How to Cite

Aintzane Conde-Hernández. (2024). Identifying the Future Skills Needs of the Job Profiles in the Supply Chain Logistics. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 797 –. Retrieved from



Research Article