Classification of Medical Data Using a Cuckoo Search-Based Hybrid Neural Network


  • Abdul Razzaque, K. P. Yadav, Vishwaprakash Roy


Hybrid Neural Network, Medical Data, Classification, Development, Techniques.


In this section, we classify four datasets: Dermatology, a small medical dataset, three benchmark datasets, and a training dataset. This research made use of a number of different types of hybrid neuro fuzzy networks, including a cuckoo search based functional link neural fuzzy network (CSFLNFN) and a cuckoo search based multilayered perceptron (CSMLP). Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor classifiers are used as benchmarks to evaluate these classifiers. We use principal component analysis (PCA) as a feature extraction method to reduce the dimensionality of these datasets, and we evaluate the differences between the two sets of results. In this research, we use three standard datasets and a small medical dataset called Dermatology.


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How to Cite

Abdul Razzaque. (2024). Classification of Medical Data Using a Cuckoo Search-Based Hybrid Neural Network. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 993–1001. Retrieved from



Research Article