Cloud-Powered Data Mining: Unlocking Hidden Patterns in Cloud Storage


  • Sivananda Reddy Julakanti, Naga Satya Kiranmayee Sattiraju, Rajeswari Julakanti


Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Scalability, Business Intelligence.


Data mining plays a pivotal role in uncovering patterns, anomalies, and relationships within extensive datasets, enabling organizations to enhance decision-making processes, optimize operations, and gain competitive advantages. Concurrently, cloud computing has emerged as a transformative paradigm in web services, offering scalable and flexible access to computing resources without the necessity for organizations to maintain their own infrastructure. The integration of data mining with cloud computing leverages the vast storage and computational capabilities of the cloud to process and analyze large volumes of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data efficiently. This synergy allows businesses to extract valuable insights from diverse data sources, such as point-of-sale records, customer interactions, and social media feeds, facilitating targeted marketing, cost reduction, improved customer relationships, and risk mitigation. By utilizing cloud-based data mining services, companies can achieve strategic agility, paying only for the resources they consume while avoiding the complexities and expenses associated with owning and managing IT infrastructure. This paper explores the intersection of data mining and cloud computing, examining the benefits, challenges, and future directions of this integration. Through a comprehensive literature review and empirical analysis, we highlight the transformative potential of cloud-based data mining in driving business innovation and efficiency.


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How to Cite

Sivananda Reddy Julakanti. (2024). Cloud-Powered Data Mining: Unlocking Hidden Patterns in Cloud Storage. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 1974 –. Retrieved from



Research Article