A Study of Multimodal Structure for Stress Recognition in IT Experts: Deep Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition with Deep Speech and Tone Analyzer
Mental Stress, FER model, Deep Speech,Tone AnalyzerAbstract
In today's world, mental stress is growing more pervasive and progressively more severe, endangering people's physical and mental well-being. Early stress detection is essential to preventing the negative consequences of stress on individuals. The usefulness of use objective indicators to identify stress has been shown in numerous studies. An increasing number of researchers have been attempting to identify stress using deep learning technology in recent years. In this paper, FER model is proposed.The computer vision problem known as Facial Expression Recognition (FER) aims to recognize and classify the various emotional expressions that are displayed on a human face. DeepSpeech can be used to train a model using gathering of voice data. The trained model can then be used for recognition or inference. Several pre-trained models are included in DeepSpeech. Digital audio is fed into DeepSpeech, which then outputs a "most likely" text transcript of the audio.IBM Tone Analyzer service employs language analysis to identify analytical, confident, tentative, fearful, angry, and joyful tones in user input (text).
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