Development of a Mobile Application for English Language Learning, Designed for Students Aged 12 to 15, "Level A1, A2."
Mobile learning, technological education, English.Abstract
This research aims to develop a mobile application for English language learning for students aged between 12 and 15 years with A1 and A2 proficiency levels to solve the language learning deficit in Ecuador. The methodology applied includes design and agile development based on Mobile-D, using tools like Dart, Flutter and Firebase to ensure functionality, security and scalability. Based on usability and functionality tests in an Android environment with the results of the student sample, which demonstrate an improvement in student participation, and who found the helpful application to reinforce vocabulary and grammar. In addition, areas for improvement were identified, including more challenging activities. This research seeks to promote technological integration in education, offering an innovative and replicable model to overcome linguistic and technological barriers in education in Ecuador.
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