Performance Comparison of Several LPWAN Technologies for Energy Constrained IOT Network
LPWAN, LoRaWAN, Propagation Models, Energy per bitAbstract
Energy efficiency is a contentious issue that may profit greatly from the adoption of the IoT paradigm, which provides the possibility to properly control a city's energy consumption. Furthermore, the Internet of Things may assist in identifying all entities that negatively impact urban energy usage and assisting authorities in developing measures to enhance their behaviours. Energy efficiency is of a very high interest if we talk about wireless sensor networks like LPWAN’s to deal with the ongoing rise of energy-demanding applications in scenarios with limited energy resources, such as smart cities, etc. Thus to deploy an energy efficient smart city application has a great scope in urban or dense geographical areas and the study of the research will lead to the optimization of energy consumption. Here in this paper performance comparison of various LPWAN technologies are done and also it compares the path loss of each technology thus calculating the energy per bit.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Geetanjali Raj, Ankit Verma, Priya Dalal, Abhishek Kumar Shukla, Puneet Garg

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