An Integrated DIET-BO Model for Intent Classification and Entity Extraction
Chatbot, DIET, natural language processing, machine learning, pre-trainingAbstract
The DIET (Dual Intent and Entity Transformer) architecture is known as an effective method of intent classification and entity extraction for chatbot systems. However, a challenge is how to determine the best set of hyperparameters in terms of the number of iterations, the number of transformer layers, the transformer size, etc. to achieve the best DIET architecture. With huge possible combinations of hyperparameter values, there are an explosive number of DIET architectures to be considered. One solution to this problem is to integrate a statistical analysis technique such as Bayesian Optimization (BO) into the process of determining the best DIET architecture. The article proposes an integrated DIET-BO model, in which each DIET architecture is a candidate solution in the search space, the DIET training process is considered as an objective function and BO is used to find the best DIET architecture in the space of candidate solutions. A hotel chatbot conversational dataset is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated DIET-BO model. The experimental results show that the integrated DIET-BO model achieves the intent classification F1-score of 0.869 and the entity extraction F1-score of 0.913.
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