Mitigation of Wormhole attack in MANET Using Cryptic-AODV: A Modified Routing Protocol


  • Sayan Majumder The Heritage Academy, Kolkata–700107, India
  • Debika Bhattacharyya Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata–700091, India
  • Subhalaxmi Chakraborty University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata–700160, India


AODV, PDR, Throughput, Wormhole


Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) inherently possess dynamic topologies, so their vulnerability to various security threats is a critical concern. While a variety of routing protocols and strategies have been developed to detect and mitigate Wormhole attacks in MANETs, a novel approach is presented in the form of the hash function-based AODV protocol within this research study. We introduce a new cryptographic Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol known as CRYPTIC-AODV. To establish routes from source to destination, we utilize Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate the shortest path. The data packets are then safeguarded within the network nodes using a hash function technique. Upon decryption, if the data packets are validated, they are subsequently forwarded from one node to the next until they reach the destination. In our comparative analysis, we assessed the performance of our modified AODV protocol against existing protocols, namely, DSR, DSDV, and ZRP. Our findings demonstrate that the crypto-based AODV protocol offers enhanced security and efficiency while being environmentally conscious, as evidenced by improved throughput, reduced end-to-end delay, and increased data transfer success rates, especially in the presence of Wormhole attacks.


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How to Cite

Majumder, S. ., Bhattacharyya, D. ., & Chakraborty, S. . (2023). Mitigation of Wormhole attack in MANET Using Cryptic-AODV: A Modified Routing Protocol. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(1), 619–627. Retrieved from



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