Long Range (LoRa) Communication Protocol with a Novel Scheduling Mechanism to Minimize the Energy in IoT
Energy, IoT, optimization, routing, Environmental Adaption MethodAbstract
The proliferation of IoT devices has increased the concerns about their cohesive energy consumption. Many of these gadgets are portable, but there are also a sizable number that are permanently connected to the internet. Most battery-powered devices need a huge amount of power to operate, however not necessarily for all gadgets. The device has a finite lifespan due to the limitations of its power source. The main objective of this study is on developing a strategy for routing Internet of Things devices and selecting an appropriate frequency range. The unique communication technology LoRa (Long Range), designed for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, has been chosen as the frequency band routing. It is an optimization method based on the modified version of the Environmental Adaptation Method. Our proposed method minimizes the energy consumption as well as throughput of the routing mechanism. The average response time of proposed method is 0.09095 which is lower than other existing metaheuristic approaches such as ACO, GA, K-Means, PSO, DE are 0.11484, 11225, 0.15364, 0.12591, 0.12265 respectively.
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