Advancing Emotion Recognition via EEG Signals: A Deep Learning Approach with Ensemble Model


  • Rajeswari Rajesh Immanuel, S K B Sangeetha


EEG Signal, Emotion, CNN, LSTM, Ensemble Learning, Feature Extraction


Human emotion is the mind's reaction to external stimuli. Since human emotions are dynamic and hard to predict in the real world, studies focusing on this area have gained a lot of importance. Emotion recognition using EEG(electroencephalogram)  signals has recently seen prevalent use of many deep learning and machine learning techniques.In this paper, we have used a real time dataset which includes 15 subjects (7 Males and 8 Females) and their EEG signals are recorded using video stimuli. The real time data is preprocessed and features are extracted from the preprocessed data using different feature extraction methods. The accuracy and loss of model are calculated and compared with raw and preprocessed data. The proposed model - EEGEM (Electroencephalogram Ensemble Model) is compared with other machine and deep learning techniques. EEGEM is a ensemble model with the combination of LSTM and CNN together to achieve the desired output. The accuracy achieved using this model is 95.56% and it has outperformed other existing models.


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Author Biography

Rajeswari Rajesh Immanuel, S K B Sangeetha

Rajeswari Rajesh Immanuel*1, S K B Sangeetha2


1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of  Science and Technology ,Vadapalani Campus, Chenai, TN, India

ORCID ID :  0000-0002-6950-3293

2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of  Science and Technology ,Vadapalani Campus, Chenai, TN, India

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6927-6916

* Corresponding Author Email:


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How to Cite

S K B Sangeetha, R. R. I. . (2024). Advancing Emotion Recognition via EEG Signals: A Deep Learning Approach with Ensemble Model. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 811–820. Retrieved from



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