Improving Skin Lesion Classification and Prediction through Data Augmentation for Enhanced Accuracy


  • V. Auxilia Osvin Nancy, Meenakshi S. Arya, Rajasekar V.


5 layered CNN, ISIC archive, Skin lesion, Malignancy, Augmentation


Early identification of skin cancer is crucial for improved survival rates, emphasizing the need for accurate computer-aided systems in the diagnostic process. This paper presents a deep learning-based system designed for efficient classification and prediction of skin cancer through the analysis of skin lesions. The proposed system utilizes datasets; HAM10000 collected from the ISIC archive and addresses the class imbalance problem within the skin lesion classes through augmentation techniques. The balanced and processed dataset is used to train and test a fine-tuned 5-layered CNN model with optimized parameters. The evaluation of the model's performance is determined solely by its accuracy and other performance metrics specific to the skin lesion classes. Furthermore, the article includes a comparative analysis and visualization of the balanced and unbalanced datasets to provide insights into their characteristics. The proposed deep learning system offers promising potential for enhancing skin cancer diagnosis by accurately classifying skin lesions and predicting malignancy.


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How to Cite

Meenakshi S. Arya, Rajasekar V., V. A. O. N. . (2024). Improving Skin Lesion Classification and Prediction through Data Augmentation for Enhanced Accuracy. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 1126–1137. Retrieved from



Research Article