Application of the Lean - Six Sigma Tool to Improve the Time of Attention in the Emergency Department of a Hospital in the Department of Cauca


  • Diana Mayorquin, Nelson Paz, Carlos Rodr´ıguez


Emergency unit, Waiting times, Lean Manufac- turing.


The use of lean methodology tools in the health sector leads to important operational and organizational improvements in healthcare institutions. This article presents the development of a proposal to improve patient care times in an emergency unit of a case study in the Department of Cauca. The problem presented refers to the non-compliance or excess of time that patients must wait to receive medical attention, detecting that the main causes of dissatisfaction are difficulty in accessing services, errors in care, and lack of medical and nursing personnel. The study begins by establishing the current state of the care processes in the emergency area, followed by the identification of the causes that generate delays and dissatisfaction on the part of the patients, and finally, a proposal for improvement is made. The results obtained show that the processes to be improved are from the moment the patient is admitted until he/she is attended to by the physician. It was also found that the spaces are poorly distributed and this also affects the proper care to be provided by the hospital.


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How to Cite

Diana Mayorquin. (2024). Application of the Lean - Six Sigma Tool to Improve the Time of Attention in the Emergency Department of a Hospital in the Department of Cauca . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4190 –. Retrieved from



Research Article