Story Telling of a Single Image Using Redescriptions through Image Description Vision Transformer (IDVT) Algorithm


  • Darapu Uma, M. Kamala Kumari


Vision Transformer, Image Description, Feature Extraction, Story Telling, Redescription


Image Captioning is a process of transforming an input image into textual description. It uses both Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing techniques in order to generate captions. There are various image caption applications which include automation of annotation and tagging of images, self-driving cars, virtual and augmented reality applications, surveillance and security systems, object recognition and detection of images and videos. The existing techniques proposed are Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network (BRNN), Convolution and Recurrent Neural Networks (CNN and RNN) with lack of context and appropriate meaning. The present paper proposes story telling of a single image using vision transformers. This paper narrates a story of a single image by applying a proposed algorithm named as Image Description Vision Transformer (IDVT).IDVT combines both preprocessing techniques and unsupervised algorithms of k means and mean shift to generate various descriptions of the same image and finally end up with a story.


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How to Cite

Darapu Uma. (2024). Story Telling of a Single Image Using Redescriptions through Image Description Vision Transformer (IDVT) Algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(22s), 390–412. Retrieved from



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