Enhancing Digital Security: A QR Code and OTP-Based E-Authentication System


  • Mohammed Awad Mohammed Ataelfadiel


E-Authentication, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), QR Code Security, One-Time Password (OTP), Digital Security Systems


In an era where digital security is paramount, the Quick response "QR" Code and One time password "OTP"-Based E-Authentication System" proposes an innovative approach to enhance user authentication. With the rapid proliferation of wireless communication technology, the importance of user authentication is growing to ensure the security of the system. An essential role in the authentication process is played by passwords. In the authentication procedure, the user's password is transmitted along with the traffic to the authentication server, enabling the server to grant access to the legitimate user. Adversaries may exploit this opportunity to attempt to intercept other individuals' passwords to engage in illicit activities under false identities, thereby evading detection. Various strategies have been proposed to enhance the security of wireless communication technologies in response to these challenges. The suggested approach will be employed to enhance the security of the system in this investigation. One-time passwords, hashing, and two-factor authentication have been selected as the resolution. Additionally, a novel solution utilizing QR codes will be introduced to store more information securely. The objective of the system's outcome is to enhance the current login authentication mechanism. It offers methodologies to heighten the complexity of password cracking and encourage individuals to opt for and utilize intricate passwords.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Awad Mohammed Ataelfadiel. (2023). Enhancing Digital Security: A QR Code and OTP-Based E-Authentication System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(4), 911–915. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6531



Research Article