Preparation and Collection of Technological Information for PYMES in the La Maná Canton, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador.
Technological resources, PYMES, process automation, technological information.Abstract
The simplification caused by technological resources leads to precise control of internal processes in companies and allows the achievement of significant savings in operating costs. In the business context, recent years have resulted in widespread implementations with exponential increases in new information and communication technologies; both worldwide and especially in Ecuador. The growing use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) specifically in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) has been a reason to collect the level of technological information that is handled in these companies within the canton of La Maná, belonging to the province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Therefore, in terms of a non-experimental method of a descriptive nature, it has become necessary to determine how these types of companies are relying on technology and automation to improve the performance of their internal and external processes, for the benefit of a organized, clear and precise management of information; leading to real productivity and high economic growth at the local, regional and national level.
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