Dynamic Multi-Objective Task Scheduling Scheme in Mobile Cloud Computing


  • Rameshwar Singh Sikarwar, Rajeev G. Vishwakarma


Mobile Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, Multi-Objective Optimization, Energy Consumption, Resource Utilization, Heuristic Algorithms.


By shifting computation-intensive activities to distant cloud servers, The concept of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has emerged as a prospective paradigm that has the ability to enhance the computing capabilities of mobile devices that are limited in their resources. The performance of MCC systems may be significantly improved by the use of task scheduling, which helps to maximize the utilization of resources while simultaneously minimizing energy consumption and latency. We provide a unique multi-objective task scheduling approach designed specifically for MCC contexts in this research. The suggested plan seeks to balance a number of competing goals, such as resource usage, energy consumption, and job completion time. To efficiently assign tasks to suitable cloud and mobile resources, We provide a solution that is based on heuristics and represent the task scheduling issue as a multi-objective optimization problem. The usefulness and superiority of the suggested system over current methods in terms of achieving better trade-offs among competing objectives are demonstrated by experimental assessments.


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How to Cite

Rameshwar Singh Sikarwar. (2024). Dynamic Multi-Objective Task Scheduling Scheme in Mobile Cloud Computing. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 1841 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/7136



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