Model for Energy Detection with Software-Defined Radios in Cognitive Radio Networks
Cognitive radio, Spectrum sensing, primary users, Secondary Users, spectrum hole, energy detection.Abstract
In recent years, a lot of interest has been shown in cognitive radio as a potentially useful method for dynamic spectrum allocation. One useful technique for optimizing the utilization of spectrum resources is cognitive radio (CR). A key component in locating open channels for CR use is spectrum sensing. One of the fundamental roles of the cognitive radio is spectrum sensing, which is essential to all other roles. Because of their extreme flexibility, software-defined radios, or SDRs, are being used more often to deploy CR in place of more costly spectrum analyzers. This work provides a thorough explanation of the wide-band sensing technology, as well as a real-time swept spectrum sensing solution and energy detection idea. Lastly, FFT graphs are used to analyze the suggested sensing solution's performance. The findings demonstrated that the suggested sensing method could achieve excellent resolution in the wide band measured frequency domain, suggesting that wide bands with heterogeneous signals may be accurately resolved and analyzed. In this paper, we successfully developed and implemented a cognitive radio-based communication system. It is inevitable that the spectrum access policy will be changed in light of the growing demand for radio spectrum and the inadequate usage of the allowed bands. As the signal-to-noise ratio increases, the probability of missed detection PMD and false alarm PFA decreases and the probability of detection PD increases.
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