Analyzing the Impact of Impulsive Noise on spectrum sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radio Networks
Automatc Gain Control, Cognitive radio Networks, Energy detection, GLRT, spectrum sensingAbstract
The widespread adoption of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) has led to increased interest in “spectrum sensing” techniques to efficiently detect and utilize underutilized frequency bands. However, the presence of impulsive noise poses a significant challenge to accurate “spectrum sensing”, as it can disrupt signal measurements and lead to false detections. This research paper aims to analyze the impact of impulsive noise on “spectrum sensing” techniques for CRNs. Impulsive noise is a type of noise that occurs randomly and can significantly affect the performance of cognitive radio systems. The assessment involves comparing the performance of different “spectrum sensing” techniques such as Energy detection (ED), Maximum-minimum eigenvalue detection (MMED), and Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) in the presence of impulsive noise. The analysis is done by considering different metrics and optimum “spectrum sensing” model is proposed. This proposed work involves the use of a direct conversion receiver architecture with automatic gain control (AGC) to minimize noise and DC offset. The simulation scenarios involve different threshold and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels to evaluate the performance of different “spectrum sensing” techniques in the presence of impulsive noise. The comparative evaluation is done by analyzing the graphical results obtained from the simulations and from results it is evident that the GLRT detection method exhibits better sensing ability in an impulsive.
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