Gated Dual Adaptive Attention Mechanism with Semantic Reasoning, Character Awareness, and Visual-Semantic Ensemble Fusion Decoder for Text Recognition in Natural Scene Images


  • A. S. Venkata Praneel Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM (Deemed-to-be University), Visakhapatnam-530045, AP, India
  • T. Srnivasa Rao Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM (Deemed-to-be University), Visakhapatnam-530045, AP, India


Instance Segmentation, Text recognition, TCN, PBTPN, MS-RCNN, GDAAM, Semantic Reasoning, Character awareness, Visual cue, Semantic cue


Text recognition in natural scene images poses a significant challenge due to variations in font styles, sizes, orientations, complex backgrounds, and lighting conditions. In this paper, a Gated Dual Adaptive Attention Mechanism (GDAAM), a novel framework that combines Mask Scoring Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (MS-RCNN), Pyramid-based Text Proposal Networks (PBTPN), and Transformation Component Networks (TCN) as encoder, along with semantic reasoning, character awareness, and a visual-semantic ensemble fusion decoder for accurate text recognition in natural scene images is proposed. The encoder component of GDAAM leverages two robust architectures: MS-RCNN and PBTPN+TCN. MS-RCNN is utilised for its strong object detection capabilities, allowing for accurate localisation of text regions within the scene images. PBTPN+TCN captures temporal dependencies and contextual information in images containing text sequences. GDAAM extracts comprehensive features from spatial and temporal dimensions by combining these encoders, enabling effective representation of text elements. To facilitate fine-grained attention modelling, it incorporates the GDAAM in its decoder. It allows the model to selectively focus on relevant visual and textual cues, dynamically adapting its attention weights based on the input. GDAAM efficiently integrates visual and textual information by incorporating gate mechanisms enhancing text recognition accuracy in challenging natural scene images. Semantic reasoning is another crucial aspect integrated into GDAAM. A reasoning module incorporates contextual information, enabling the model to reason and make informed decisions. GDAAM selectively attends to relevant visual and textual cues, leveraging attention mechanisms, enhancing its understanding, and promoting more accurate text recognition. GDAAM addresses character awareness to handle complex text layouts, irregularities, and occlusions commonly found in natural scene images. This awareness further improves the model's ability to accurately recognise text in challenging visual environments. The proposed visual-semantic ensemble fusion decoder in GDAAM combines the visual and semantic features to generate the final text recognition results. GDAAM achieves coherent and contextually consistent text recognition outputs by effectively fusing and integrating information from both modalities, improving overall performance. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets like SVT, ICDAR 2013, ICDAR 2015, IIIT5K, SVTP and CUTE 80 for text recognition in natural scene images demonstrate the effectiveness of GDAAM. The results show that GDAAM outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy and robustness. GDAAM demonstrates superior performance in challenging text recognition tasks. The proposed model surpasses existing approaches, opening new avenues for accurate and robust text recognition in complex visual environments.


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How to Cite

Praneel, A. S. V. ., & Rao, T. S. . (2023). Gated Dual Adaptive Attention Mechanism with Semantic Reasoning, Character Awareness, and Visual-Semantic Ensemble Fusion Decoder for Text Recognition in Natural Scene Images . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(1), 221–234. Retrieved from



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