Agri-Eco Predict: Minimizing Carbon Intensity in Ensemble Prediction Model for Agricultural Product Price


  • R. Ragunath, R. Rathipriya


Agricultural Product Prices, Carbon Footprint, Ensemble Prediction Models, Green AI, Energy Consumption, Sustainability


Computational loads of Ensemble prediction models (EPMs) are discussed in this paper with a special emphasis on their carbon footprints or carbon emissions. It is purposefully carried out to determine and reduce the carbon emissions caused by EPMs for forecasting Agricultural product prices (APP). Random Forest (RF) and Gradient Boosting (GBR), as well as combinations of both with an adaptive weighted strategy, were included in the experimental study that assessed energy consumption and carbon emissions of EPMs. Carbon emissions were significantly reduced while maintaining prediction accuracy through optimising these models on CPU and T4 GPU platforms. For instance, for optimized RF models on CPU; there was a decline in carbon emission from 3.576e-07 kgCO2e to 1.793e-07 kgCO2e, while Mean Squared Error (MSE) improved from 3.014 to 2.189 respectively. Similarly, after optimization, GBR models on GPU no longer changed their carbon footprint but changed MSE significantly. The findings indicated that it is possible to mitigate the carbon output without affecting the accuracy of predictions using hyperparameter optimization based EPM.


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How to Cite

R. Ragunath. (2024). Agri-Eco Predict: Minimizing Carbon Intensity in Ensemble Prediction Model for Agricultural Product Price. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(22s), 776–781. Retrieved from



Research Article