Artificial Intelligence based Agricultural Chatbot and Virtual Assistant for Delivery of Harvested Crops
Crop transport, Chat-bot, Virtual assistant, transport, Cost reductionAbstract
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture has the potential to revolutionize the industry, making it more efficient, sustainable, and productive. AI can be used to analyze data from various sources, such as satellite imagery, drones, and sensors, to provide farmers with valuable insights. It helps in optimizing irrigation, fertilization, and pesticide application by identifying areas of the field that require attention. AI algorithms can also predict crop yield, disease outbreaks, and recommend optimal planting and harvesting times. AI-powered systems can monitor crops and livestock through computer vision techniques and sensor data analysis. This enables early detection of plant diseases, nutrient deficiencies, or pest infestations. Livestock monitoring can include facial recognition to identify individual animals, behavior analysis to detect signs of illness or distress, and automated feeding systems. In developing countries like India, the rapid spread of mobile internet technology is offering a vital role in economic growth, social empowerment, and grass roots creativity. Every harvested crop needs to be transported. Transportation is one of the important factors for a farmer’s success. Transport that is well-managed is effective in transporting farm resources and harvested products as quickly as possible. So we are going to develop an android application for farmers and transport service providers. By this, we can pool the farmers according to their requirements.
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