Adversarial Attacks and Defences: Ensuring Robustness in Machine Learning Systems


  • Gireesh Bhaulal Patil, Uday Krishna Padyana, Hitesh Premshankar Rai, Pavan Ogeti, Narendra Sharad Fadnavis, Rajesh Munirathnam


Deep learning and security, machine learning and adversarial attacks, deep learning vulnerability, methods for making AI models robust, neural network security


The current paper aims at presenting and discussing adversarial attacks and defence mechanisms in learning models, especially Deep Learning. First, the types of adversarial attacks, the working principle, and the effects on diversified architectures are discussed in this paper. We explicate the current best practices in defence mechanisms and measuring robustness, including various application areas. Real life examples from classification of images, text analysis, and uses of self-driving cars elaborate the real-life issues as well as approaches. , Last but not the least, we discuss the trends, legal and ethical issues and research avenues in adversarial machine learning.


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How to Cite

Gireesh Bhaulal Patil. (2024). Adversarial Attacks and Defences: Ensuring Robustness in Machine Learning Systems. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 217 –. Retrieved from



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