Real-Time Multiple Face Recognition using Deep Learning on Embedded GPU System


  • D. Gayathry, R. Latha


CNN, Deep Learning


Face recognition can be used in several applications such as in surveillance, identification in login system and personalized technology. Recognizing multiple face in real- time on the embedded system is very challenging due to the complexity computation of the processing. In this paper,Researcherpropose multiple face recognition framework which is implemented on the embedded GPU system. The framework contains face detection based on convolutional neural network (CNN) with face tracking and state of the art deep CNN face recognition algorithm. Researcherwe implemented the proposed framework into the embedded GPU system, i,e., NVIDIA Jetson TX2 board. Experimental results showed that the proposed system can recognize multiple faces up to 8 faces at the same time in real time with up to 0.23 seconds of processing time and with the minimum recognition rate above 83.67%.



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How to Cite

D. Gayathry. (2024). Real-Time Multiple Face Recognition using Deep Learning on Embedded GPU System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 732–737. Retrieved from



Research Article