Multi Variate Linear Regression Analysis For Sonatype Nexus Repository Space Management


  • Kishore Kumar Jinka, B. Purnachandra Rao


Nexus Repository Manager, NXRM, Release Repository, Snapshot Repository, Docker registry, npm repository, Maven, Nuget, LDAP, Univariate Linear Regression, Feature Engineering, Linear Regression Analysis.


Sonatype Nexus is a powerful repository manager widely used in DevOps and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. It is designed to manage, store, and retrieve binary artifacts efficiently. Nexus plays a crucial role in software development by providing centralized storage and management for build artifacts, dependencies, and containers, enabling teams to collaborate more effectively and maintain control over their software supply chain. As part of the business activity on daily basis , lots of artifacts will be uploaded to number of repositories to each nexus instance. The space will be consumed proportional to the volume of artifacts. It is administrator’s responsibility to clear the space as and when it reaches to beyond the thresh hold limit. If the admin misses to clear the space it leads to the situation to shuts down the server, which will effect the entire business. Admin can use the available automated tasks from the nexus admin tasks, but they are having some limitations on the deletion of artifacts, we need to opt only unwanted artifacts. But in the case of high usage of wanted artifacts the space will get decreased and we can’t know when the server will go down. This paper resolves this issue by providing the solution using machine learning algorithm (multivariate Linear Regression Analysis) on the usage of space by users. It will findout the regression equation for the given data , so that we can find out prediction value for each actual value. Using the regression equation we can predict the value.


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How to Cite

Kishore Kumar Jinka. (2024). Multi Variate Linear Regression Analysis For Sonatype Nexus Repository Space Management. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 892–901. Retrieved from



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