3D Mesh Reconstruction from Single 2D Image Using DBSCAN and CNN Architecture.
3D-Reconstruction, Computer Vision, 3D Mesh, 3D from 2D, Point CloudAbstract
One of the most intriguing challenges in this domain is the reconstruction of 3-D objects or scenes from a single 2D image. 3D Reconstruction from a single-view image aims to reconstruct the 3D object from a single-colored image. Previously, the 3D Reconstruction was done using multiple images taken from different angles. But it has limitations in accessibility. Generating a 3D model from a 2D image has broad applications in various industries such as Augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR), Robotics, Video games, and Medical Imaging. We have broken the process into two parts, in the first part we generate a 3D point cloud from a 2D image. For the next part, we then generate a 3D mesh from the point cloud map. A CNN is later used to further optimize the mesh. In the result and conclusion, we have generated an optimized mesh but the end output has not reached the desired accuracy. This accuracy can be increased by creating a Depth-map and view-point angle prior to calculating a point cloud.
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