Implementation of Cypher Text- Policy Attribute- Set-Based Encryption (CP-ASBE) in Cloud


  • Suresh S., Rakesh Kumar Yadav


Revocation Mechanisms, Dynamic Access Control, Cryptographic Standards, Modern Tools, Java, Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE)


This research seeks to explore the feasibility of using Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) techniques, especially Comparative Policy-Based Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Comparative Policy-Attribute-Based Security Environment (CP-ASBE) for accurate access control in cloud computing. The comparison of CP-ABE and CP-ASBE is made based on the following aspects: access policy flexibility, scalability, efficiency, expressiveness, security, revocation mechanisms, and real-world uses. The proposed CP-ASBE architecture is based on dynamic access control at the attribute level. It employs up-to-date tools such as OpenSSL, Perceptome, AWS, Azure, Python, Java, Jenkins, and the ELK Stack. This makes the system scalable, efficient, and cryptographically compliant, which is a solution to cloud security problems. Some assessment methods are system testing, risk assessment, and continuous assessment to ensure the system works effectively and securely. Possible future research directions are the enhancement of homomorphic encryption, blockchain, AI security, and post-quantum cryptography. These developments aim to improve cloud security’s capacity to address new threats and the needs of various regulations, which in turn contributes to the advancement of data protection and privacy in the cloud.


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How to Cite

Suresh S. (2024). Implementation of Cypher Text- Policy Attribute- Set-Based Encryption (CP-ASBE) in Cloud. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(23s), 228 –. Retrieved from



Research Article